Maurice Rinaldi
Rinaldi CEO
Maurice Rinaldi is founder, President and CEO of Rinaldi Communication Marketing, an independent and leading advertising agency in Quebec, Canada. with over 25 years of experience in the field of advertising, marketing and communications, guides and leads the firm in developing solid relationships and assignments since the agency was founded in August of 1994.
Name 1 fun fact about you, your agency, or market, that people might find interesting?
As an agency based in Montreal, Quebec, our team is fully bilingual. All together, we speak a total of over 9 languages – not bad for a small agency!
What were your two greatest accomplishments of 2022?
1. Raising over 3 million dollars in media exposure with our Canadian media partners for the Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada.
2. Moving into our new office right before the holidays: it’s the beginning of the next chapter in our agency’s journey!
Name the best things about being an Indie! (Independent Agency)
Independence (it’s in the name!) and flexibility, which gives us an unparalleled ability to adapt to our clients’ rapidly evolving needs.
What do you wish clients could better understand to get the most out of their agency partner?
The importance of including as much business information as possible in their briefs, so we can help them devise the best strategy to meet their targets.
What does AMIN’s Mantra, “You’ve Got Allies”, mean to you in your own words?
That we’re now partnered with top-tier independent agencies all over the world, each with their own wealth of expertise and valuable market insights.
We believe there’s strength in numbers, and we can’t wait to collaborate with our new allies!
What inspires you most as we move into 2023?
Gratitude for the opportunity to continue our collaboration with long-standing clients of the agency, and excitement about seeking out new business relationships.
What inspires you most as we move into 2023?
Gratitude for the opportunity to continue our collaboration with long-standing clients of the agency, and excitement about seeking out new business relationships.

Maurice Rinaldi with the Subaru Canada Team:
Richard Fabien of Subaru and Tomohiro Kubota, Chairman of the Board and President and CEO of Subaru in Canada.

Your Network Of Allies
With AMIN, you don’t have to go it alone. You can gain global and local insight, tap into extensive industry experience, find help on the ground in major markets across the globe and, crucially, stay up to date on emerging trends. You can even have an opportunity to gain new clients. All of this is within reach – quickly, seamlessly and efficiently.